Sunday, February 13, 2011 complex...

This first photo shows another thing I love on the 8050. The markings on the machine bed. All the way out on the side. Very handy. Now a shank that fits. Janome seems to have the two types of shanks because the bars they fit on have different shapes. The ones with the beveled out bar that thins toward the shank (as in the Kenmore 19110, the Janome 2010, the Janome 115110) and the full bar without the narrow part as in the 8050 and some others that I don't have a clue at this point. BUT this is the shank that fits the 8050 in case anyone wants to switch to a metal snap on foot shank as in the picture. The shank with the red button fits the J2010, the Kenmore 19110, etc. interesting. O.K...pretty picky posting here, but maybe someone will want to know. It isn't easy to get this information from the website, and even in the listings of these shanks for sale, they repeat the same machines, so how is one to tell without trying them. The Janome website is vague about this sort of thing. And now the low blow of only allowing partial downloads of manuals from the Janome site. Too bad. The Janome DC1050 looks to be the same machine as the 8050, with different cosmetics, and the stitch panel arranged horizontally rather than vertically - same stitch patterns as the 8050. Same other features as well. Downloading the manual would be very handy.


  1. I'm trying to figure out what kind of a shank the 8050 has. Is it a low shank? I'd like to buy a ruffler foot and an overcast (over edge) foot for it, but I do not know if I need to buy this metal shank that you are talking about or if these feet will fit my machine, as long as I buy the low shank models. Can you help? I have done all the research I can and still can't figure this out! Thanks.

  2. Well, the regular Janome horizontal drop in bobbin machine feet fit this machine as is. The way to buy Janome feet is that they are either horizontal (for drop in machines) or vertical (for front loading machines). The 6600 with the dual feed may be different, I have not got any experience with that. I would ask before buying any accessory if I were not completely sure. If this is any help, the new Janome DC1050 would be a machine that would be just like the 8050 in regard to the shank and feet. They DO take regular drop in feet. So no, you do not need to change your shank! I hope this isn't too garbled and does help you!


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