Saturday, December 3, 2011

Free Motion Quilting (3)...the Sew Steady and the threads...

The table came! I ordered from Nancy's Notions on the 5th of November and got the table on the 2d of December. I call that excellent on the part of both Nancy's and Sew Steady Tables. I am pleased. This is the first accessory I have purchased for my Pfaff in all these years. She loves it. I decided to leave on the little leg holder thingies. The table might break if I get rough trying to take off those, and there is a warning against it in the information accompanying the table. SO, yes, I wilted right away and left them. There isn't much problem doing that as the thing now sits only about half an inch up off the Arrow table, so we are good to go. Meanwhile, I have ordered three times from Superior Threads. You almost get your order before you hit the final BUY button - those folks are that fast. I love it. Of course now I have to get on the stick and practice, practice, practice. But now I have these lovely threads to practice with. I bought the Try Me Specials, including a few bobbins pre-wound. I hope they work in the Pfaff [LATER NOTE: They do NOT fit the Pfaff 1222E because the bobbin pin is too large and the bobbins will not turn]. SO adventures are looming. Meanwhile still working on that blue print summer shirt. Maybe by Summer 2012?


  1. A gift for your Pfaff---how sweet.

    I should be sewing for spring, but not saying which year.

  2. I think you'll really enjoy your SewSteady Table. I certainly love mine. Also helps significantly when you are doing free-motion quilting.



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