Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Brother XR9500PRW Stitch Sampler...

Sampler finished and rolled on up! The machine makes a good buttonhole, and has a few different types. I stitched out two kinds. It has great deco stitching and regular utility stitches and several quilting stitches.    And YES, I did add those Hello Kitty stickers, cough...In amongst these stitchouts there are a couple places that are user error - not the machine - me. I ran out of bobbin thread twice, and once I lost track of my stitches and repeated a row or so. HAHHAaa....I did not trim the alphabet stitch out because by then I was really amazed at how tired I was of doing this! :) It took time and a lot of thread! But I had promised myself to do it.  I did skip a couple of lines which were just mirroring of the previous stitch and that is noted on the photos.  Some of the wibbles in the stitching are caused by the very very stiff stabilizer I used in the fabric roll. It was a fusible and it tended to crinkle up from time to time as I went so I tried to smooth out my fabric as I went along.


  1. Somehow I missed this post. Hmmm. I have notebooks full of all of my stitches also. Why I have so many is because I did them in various length and width--and balance--settings. This caused many stitches to look quite different from the original. Thus, when I want to use them I can just look at the sample of which length and width I want.

    Your machine makes lovely stitches. :) That's a good little machine.

  2. Thank you glorm!! ;) Yes, it was fun, but I have not got the patience for doing anything else as samples with the stitches - it took me forever to do these anyway. HA.....but since it's for me and to display the machine's talents I think it works. :) I bet you had fun doing your notebooks of stitching! With your machine there must be so many pretty stitches!


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