Saturday, February 17, 2018

Summer Quilt In Progress...

Started on the Summer Quilt in January, and I love using the light prints I have accumulated as scraps and pieces left over from other projects.  Plus the addition of some pieces I had in my stash of cottons.  Working on such light cheery fabrics in the dead of Winter is a treat! The plan is to complete the top with 12" blocks after making "fabric" from the scraps. It is an improvisational quilt of course.  After doing the quilt from the book, 15 Minutes of Play, I could see I liked the more free style of piecing, plus then there is the wonderful class on Craftsy from Joe Cunningham.   Link is to the video on YouTube about one of his classes. Fabulous ideas and it frees you up for some creative design as well.  But, of course, my work isn't anything like the pros, but I have a lot of fun doing it.
I keep a project bin now for various projects - I have two so there can be one for a sewing project or an embroidery project as well. Real buy at Rite Aid for under $3 on sale!  I got four of them to store various things on my sewing shelves. Anyhow, I recommend a bin to keep everything together yet be open for easy access. These hold the fabric you need for the project, the project itself in process and the finished blocks without any problem.

Summer Quilt - I plan on using Mountain Mist  Cream Rose batting and either Signature cotton or So Fine #50 for quilting, though MaxiLock is another possibility.  Whatever it is the thread will be a very light pink!! Light pink blends and is just such a lovely color.  I am going to use Mountain Mist Cream Rose because of its somewhat thinner body and drapy qualities.   At this point I have several blocks already made and really want to finish this before Summer!


  1. Those do look springy and airy. Have fun making the quilt.

  2. Thanks glorm!! Blocks are done, now to put 'em together! :)


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