Thursday, April 5, 2018

Pfaff 1222E Home From Spa Day...

The tech who serviced my Pfaff for years told me that he wouldn't work on old machines any more.  I was heartbroken because my Pfaff needed a good servicing and I was afraid it had something broken as well. SO - it sat for a couple of months and then I found out about another tech.  A fellow who does sewing servicing and repair from his home. I called, he serviced my Pfaff and it is home and well and running so nicely. Nothing was broken - it was just in need of a good servicing. I am so glad because this is my free motion machine. It does the best free motion anywhere anytime. And I have other machines that do free motion, but not without issues. The Pfaff doesn't care what thread you use - it just sews.
My Pfaff 1222E is also loved by my quilting helper and all around good company, my kitty Pearl.  So now to begin quilting the Summer Quilt - the top is done and I need to pin it.


  1. Lovely free motion stitching, and what a serious helper :-)

  2. What a lovely looking machine, so clean and basic, yet so powerful. Yay for these older Pfaffs, mine included, which hadn't met a thread they didn't like. Have fun.

  3. :) She does love to sit on the table beside me. It's more that she loves to look out the window at birdies and whatever else is going on!!!! Nice to "see" you!!! Thanks!

  4. Thanks glorm!! ;) Yup....those machines are classic and lovely and I know you are as glad as I am that we kept them all these years!!!


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