Monday, February 25, 2019

2019 and New Projects...Table Runner...

New Year, new projects...simple coffee table runner out of old stash I have had for years. The sunflowers are Robert Kaufman and so pretty!  The kitties are prettier than the picture - the flash wiped them out!  Coffee table runner will be in the vicinity of 60" by 21".  I used my new Fiskars Rotary Cutter Ruler Combo.  And at AMAZON.  It is a great tool. I find I like it, and I am not mechanically inclined. Did not want an expensive machine thingie.  Took me a little while to get in the groove with it, so to speak, but I love it. I was cutting 12"x12" squares.  I usually use my Omnigrid squares but this time I wanted to see how this thing would work.
When progress happens I will write again. :)  There is a quilt plan as well and a couple of tops. Slow and steady maybe...Here is my review on PatternReview.


  1. Yay, another project. What an interesting tool you bought.

  2. Yes, it is not high tech because I just know I wouldn't even read the whole instructions for one of those pricey cutter thingies, much less use one! ;) This will work very nicely on quilt projects, curtains or anything where you need strips or rectangular shapes I think. :) Thanks glorm!

  3. Yay for stash busting and your table will the best dressed in town! The celestial print fabric caught my eye. I have coffee cups similar to that hanging on my baker's rack! I don't want to look at the cutting gizmo too much...I might want one. ;)


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