Sunday, April 26, 2020

Darning Foot on Pfaff 1222E and Happy Hearts...

 Luckily I don't have to work on this project all alone!! Lovely little helper. :)  Finally going to free motion my wall hanging.  I have chosen various colors of Kimono Silk and King Tut and even Metrosene.  Starting off with King Tut in a softly variegated gold-tan.  

Our neighborhood is putting hearts in the windows as well as other cheery things around for people on walks to see. Hoping to have happy thoughts.  Lovely day yesterday when I took these.

Here you see my Pfaff 1222E with the darning foot in place for free motion work. Good clearance. The machine enjoys a nice quiet run of free motion and has no problems with any sort of thread I put in it.


  1. Good ol' Pfaff. With that helper you should be done in no time. :)

  2. Thanks glorm! You bet! But I am taking my time for the fun of it! :)


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