Sunday, August 23, 2020

Reorganizing and Storage as End in Itself...Part II

Starting with my shelf arrangement.  Two bins for Misc. Storage and 2 bins for Projects.  So far the two bins for projects is working well.  I should add that the purchase of a Brother Labeler goes a long way toward a nice storage look. HAHHHAA......I got my labeler after years of dithering, and I am glad I did. I even labeled my oatmeal can in the kitchen. Well, my pictures will usually have a label or two in them in the sewing area.  The following pictures are the insides of my ArtBin Super Satchels and reflect some years of accumulation.

The following two are thread boxes you can buy a few places - Joann's is one and then Superior Threads and so on. Two sided and hold regular spools well.

Ans another ArtBin Super Satchel!  This one holds quilting and thread accessaries and cotton quilting threads.
Here is my Brother labeler which I think may have given me the kick for all the reorganizing I do in here. SO FUN.  It has been a great accessory and is one of several models still around - although probably a newer model is out now.



  1. Love how you are organizing things in your sewing room. I need to do mine but am doing outside things while the weather is cooler. This winter I will do a deep cleaning and get it well organized once again. Can't wait to see what you will be doing for Part III.

  2. Your storage is so nice and neat. The labeler is such a handy idea. I have some re-organizing in my future and am gathering ideas.

  3. Thanks for the nice comments!! Organizing is fun, and the reclaimed space is a nice surprise as well! :) Thanks Ann and Catherine!

  4. I love an organized sewing room!

  5. Thanks Elaray!!Your sewing room is WAY more organized than mine and I love it! I have never had a whole room for just sewing - this one I share with my desk, my bookshelves and the family file cabinet. HAHAHAHaa....but slowly I have taken it over anyway. Thanks for your kind words!


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