Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Reorganizing and Storage as End in Itself...Part III

 Above is the top drawer arrangement in my Sullivan sewing table drawers. Below in order is drawers 2,3, and 4.  I change these around sometimes...depending on what my interests are over time, but mostly they stay the same. Mostly sewing essentials. In drawer 2 you can see card stock I use to make either cards I draw on and color, or sometimes make fabric quilted cards. You can see the ArtBin bobbin boxes I use - labeled for various types or brands of thread. I love prefilled bobbins, so there are DecoBobs from Wonderfil, Superior Threads Super Bobs and So Fine #60 prefilled bobbins, as well as Brother prefilled bobbins that you can't see here - they are on the bottom.  And poly and cotton thread bobbins I have wound myself. My Pfaff 1222E cannot use prefills. Although some sites say it can, the hole in the bobbin is never large enough - so I have to load my Pfaff bobbins myself which is OK. It is the best machine to thread a bobbin anyway! SO easy and smoothly done.

I store foot pedals here too - I like to use the Start/Stop button on machines that have them, at least most of the time.   I have some cleaning brushes in there - I use makeup brushes for cleaning the machines a lot of the time.

Yes, I have overbought on Tailor's Chalk!! HAHAHAHA....oh well. And I love to have things plugged into surge protectors, so coincidentally that one shows here. I always unplug my machines when they aren't in use. It saves money and heartache - you do not want to lost a machine to a lightening strike. 
Needle storage - this bin is actually am embroidery floss storage case from Michael's because the ArtBin cases were not deep enough for needle cases. I love the way I can have them by type in this case.

Just to top it off - here is how I collect threads snipped off and small bits of fabric as I sew and trim. I never toss them around or on the floor. And the small basket - I have one by each machine for notions and supplies I need for projects, as well as extra filled bobbins and maybe even another spool of thread. 
Each of my machines has its own ArtBin box for accessories.  The Elna has a large version of this one, but each has its own. When I donate or sell a machine I also add the manuals and the accessory box.  

That about wraps up the storage trio of posts, and I hope it isn't too boring...but I think most of us are fascinated by storage! I like things neat in the sewing area. Years ago I sewed in the kitchen and had to put everything away neatly, and that's how I was taught - when you were through it was all put away and not in view.  Now that I have more space, I try to keep it as neat as I can as well.  HAPPY STORAGE and ORGANIZATION!!


  1. Enjoyed your pics for parts I-III. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks glorm! Could be I posted too much and too many....hahahhaha.....but you never know when someone needs an organizational idea. I know I have found many an inspiration on PatternReview and hope others can benefit!!


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