Here's the shirt, reviewed over on PR, and I like it! Here is a bit of the collar, showing the stand/collar as one piece rather than the two pieces of pattern and fabric the pattern indicated. That's one piece too much for me to bother with.

The pieces of this pattern fit together so well. The collar was a perfect fit, and the rest of the garment went together well. The sleeves are a bit puffy for me, but I like the shirt. I did five buttonholes and five plain white buttons. My Viking sensor buttonhole foot decided to go off on its own and just do whatever length it wanted half way through a couple of buttonholes, so I switched to the regular foot, and used the memory feature for the last two. If I cannot count on that glitzy sensor foot, I won't use it at all any more, as the regular foot is actually easier.

The shirt is a little large in the shoulders, but the next time I make a Lutterloh I will make my usual shoulder adjustment, using the shoulder template from Shannon Gifford's class on bodice muslin making. That template is extremely handy! Now I am working on getting the vest binding on, and that's going nicely. The pants just need hemming, and then they will be done as well. So - two more Lutterloh reviews this week I hope. :) Juliette on PR reviewed the Lutterloh pajamas she made a few weeks ago, and they look warm and fuzzy. Maybe I will make some winter warm nightwear. Those of us interested in Lutterloh are hoping that some other people will review a few more patterns each month, thus raising awareness and interest in the system. With computerized pattern software as popular as it is becoming, many people probably would rather buy one of those systems. They are, in my opinion, both too time consuming and too expensive to think about. I wouldn't want to bother with printing and having to assemble all those pieces of regular printer paper. Think of the bills for paper and ink! Lutterloh just needs paper, markers and your little patterns. Of course, I will make copies of the ones I use because I don't want to put little pin holes in my actual patterns!