Finishing this outfit was a really happy event for me. I have had the pattern quite some time, and had the Kona and Moda cottons to make it. I did use a fabric with a faint pattern for the "white" trim on the jacket. The pattern is from Doll Tag Clothing, and several of her patterns are so very appealing. I have used one before as well. However, I have trouble with directions usually, and this time was no exception. So I sat and made a list of how to put this together my way, and it worked out. I sewed all the trims together before applying to the jacket. I left off the bodice on the dress and made a casing and a skirt - the doll will be wearing the jacket anyway. I bought the fabrics from a seller on eBay who has a lovely selection of these solids. My Brother PS500 sewed this up without a qualm, even in the thick parts of the elastic in the skirt waistband. The doll is my May, but was sold by AMAZON as Zoe. She is an Adora Doll sold on AMAZON, but no longer available I see.
Back View here with the background out! Playing with my photo software here. Finally the pattern....lovely pattern.