First, you will find posts on my Viking machines, and my Kenmore 19233 on my main blog over at
Ephemeral Wisps, but I want to talk about sewing more than that blog can really be expected to handle, so here I am over here
in the pink. Since the renaissance in my sewing in 2005, I have learned to value taking my time. Sewing takes me away from the computer, and that's a good thing.At the same time, Patternreview.com takes up a lot of FUN computer time, so I am in the same boat I was before, only enjoying it a lot more! I find sewing a restful pastime, a remembrance of good things from childhood. My grandmother Lillian and my mother Isabel; the skills they tried to teach me that I so woefully did not master. I did absorb sewing though, and had them as my best teachers.

I have been trying to fit the perfect pair of pants lately, though this is not an endless battle because I have found that Burda patterns, adjusted just right, finally fill the bill as well as anything I could ever hope for. Pants have been a challenge, but I can remember making many pair over the years which fit, and which were fine. As one ages, the old form changes and fitting becomes more of a priority. I look back now on some of the complicated garments I made years ago, and I am astonished! I wish I had a picture of the Vogue caftan with the piping trim all over the font opening, the frog button closures, and the trim on each sleeve and on the bottom. The red caftan I made my husband had a hood attached and string ties on the front. A hood is an interesting bit of sewing! I won't try here to go back in time for any garments but these, so hereafter what I am currently doing will be what I include as projects. I am finishing up a couple of
Pointy Kitties now, and then it's on to sewing a small wardrobe of a skirt, pants and a few tops.