The Burda summer dress is coming along well. I did two muslins, the first didn't fit, being just a tad small. Believe me a tiny mini-person could make a dress out of this. So I cut a size larger, whizzed up the muslin and it was a GO.

Now I am half way through the finished garment, and Burda is wonderful. The pieces really match, the bodice darting is so very clever on this pattern. You sew the darts, but then when the bodice is sewed and the band is applied to the neckline, you release the darts and they become tucks. Very nicely done.

First I read the boards on PR, and there was mention of the
Lutterloh System. I had seen this some years ago, but didn't even want to concentrate on how it might work, it looked far to complex. Now, from a different perspective, I see that I would love to try it.

I priced it out on the
Lutterloh U.S. site and on the
Lutterloh NZ site. Then I searched eBay. Old sets go on eBay for upwards of 50-100+ for fairly recent (with in the last 20 years?) sets, and the
vintage sets go for a lot more. So - wasting time today I looked once again at Google. I had Googled the heck out if it over the weekend, and never saw HSN. Well, today there it was.
HSN has it! And at a far lower price than even the Lutterloh website. I bit. Now lets see if I can do it!