The vest and pants are done, pressed and already worn! The reviews are up on
PatternReview. The pants pattern will need tweaking, and in fact I have already drafted another Lutterloh pattern for pants which is a few years old. This time I want to do a few more alterations. In these first three garments I wanted to do them more or less "as was" to see how the Lutterloh system worked.

They turned out rather well, so I am going to press on with more tweaking in the next couple of patterns. I have a princess blouse drafted and that other pair of pants. Meanwhile I have two cuts of lovely rayon for skirts, so I will be looking for a skirt pattern, and all of a sudden I want to make a couple of dresses, so that search is on too! I think it's been many years since I have wanted another dress. We don't wear them often here. But all of a sudden...:) Is it that Fall is here, and the sewing area is a cozy place to spend my time? I bought a new
seam ripper over the last weekend, and another bunch of really nice hand sewing sharps with large eyes. Made a trip to Joann's. I go there about twice a year. They had buttons on sale! 50% off! WOW. I got a lot of various colors and textures. Ferreted them away for some garments that in the future they will adorn gracefully. A variety of colors. The new seam ripper is the indicator that I will be doing more sewing! More sewing = more ripping!