Finally, the Mexican food themed place mats are done! After checking out a couple of my machines binder feet, I opted for the old-fashioned method of applying the bias tape. Sew one fold, turn item and sew. Went faster and looks better. Wrestling with the binder feet I am not familiar with seemed silly. I guess I will capitulate to doing things the way I know how!

I used the Viking to sew the bias tape on. I love the edge stitching foot and used that.

The PR stash contest is almost over and my paltry 2 yards will stand unless I finish these placemats and hot pads before next Saturday night at midnight! These are my
South Western and Mexican Food placemats. I have quilted the three hot pads and three of the four placemats. After the free form quilting comes the binding. I didn't know that the quilting was going to make my right hand sore. I guess it is the holding it steady and guiding the fabric motion, but it did make my hand hurt, so I will resume the last placemat tomorrow!

Usually I have been too lazy to even put on the darning foot, but guess what? The darning foot works better and of course the feed dogs are down. The Pfaff is behaving like the Queen she is, and we've had some sewing fun today! Here's the other side of the mat's fabric. Both are
Hoffman fabrics.

I should possibly look for some pasta fabric and do Italian food too. I already have the Chinese food ones, so that makes a nice set of table eye candy for all the ethnic food we love!