Photo Copyright Modeverlag Lutterloh 2003. I finished The nightwear item from my Lutterloh pattern 2003, Supplement #251, top #237. I should add that I added plenty of ease, as I do like comfy nightwear. I got the pattern altered with my shoulder muslin, all cut out and this weekend I finished sewing the nightwear. I widened the sides and made seams rather than ties. I lengthened the garment as well. I used the longer sleeve, as I want this to work both Summer and transitionally. The Fabric is an Amy Butler print, new this year, and just lovely to look at and to work with. I love cotton nightwear, and this fabric was perfect! there are several patterns which use these colors and all are fabulous. I got this at
Threadneedle Fabrics, my local fabric store. I wanted to have a nicely finished neckline, so I drafted front and back facings.

The serger is an immense help in finishing seams and I used it for the side and sleeve seaming as well. It does speed things up a lot, and even more - it is fun! As to cutting it out, I had so little material left after the pieces were cut out that I had to piece each facing piece. Not even the smallest bit of space left on the fold to cut facings. But I had enough. PHEW! I drafted this pattern large because I made an error in measurements, but after I used my shoulder template to alter it, that didn't matter, and I do have a lot of ease. Note added the next day...you know, this picture doesn't do the garment any favors, and it really does look better...perhaps I may replace it one of these days...or not. The neckline is very niftily done, if I do say so. :)