Monday, December 21, 2020

Oh Sew Kat Sunshine Dress...Sew Cute!

I realized I had cut this out in June. Good grief. Sewing this up the other day with my PS500 was a breeze. This machine doesn't try to pull fabric down inside and starts at the edge of the fabric without any issues. The ZZ foot that is standard and used for much of our sewing is, in this machine, a longer foot and seems so very much better at holding fabric than many a foot on another brand of machine. I love my Brother machines!  The fabric in this little dress was a gift from a friend, and it made a nice contrast! Next time I would make a full lining, as this is another pattern with just a bodice lining. It is a nice touch to add a full lining. :) But Britney looks very Summery in this....meanwhile it is cold outside and almost Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone!!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Mask Redo and Flannel New...


It looks like we will be masking up pretty much into the last part of 2021. So - I had made a few masks about a month ago with a nose flap thing. I had figured it out myself from a pattern online, and really - it was not a great design. So I redid those four masks and then decided to make some of the Deaconess style, without the tucks, with MimiG elastic style. Flannel will be warmer for winter, and wearing one should help keep the cold away as well. :) So I cut out and made 6 flannel masks.   What you see here is the four I redid, in the top of the top photo as well as the photo following this paragraph, and the six flannel masks in the football, grey with diamonds and red. I am waiting for feedback on the flannel still from family.  This has been the extent of my sewing lately. Getting cold and when it is cold I like to veggie out on the couch.