In a whimsical moment, I really wanted Hello Kitty in my sewing room! And you know, the Janome 6300 is a very plain no-nonsense looking machine. Obviously the only course of action was to get me some stickers! You cannot believe how many different stickers there are out there, but my grocery store had the stickers that really resonated with me. A restrained application of hello Kitty to my sewing machine made me smile. So many smiles that I had to have a stuffed Hello Kitty as well, so look for that in the background in future pictures. OH YES, the bed runner. I am using
a tutorial idea from the web - It's Quilt-As-You-Go table runner from
Diary of a Quilter and so easy - you lay out the backing and put down your batting, then proceed to sew strips starting at the half way point of the sandwich.

When one side is finished you go to the next side, after turning it over, so you never have more than a half of the runner in the harp of the machine. I used a variety of scraps I already had to do this runner. I hope to use this QSYG method again. I think with some planning you could do a crazy quilt style item this way - a table runner or bed runner or table topper - something not too huge. I just used pins to baste my runner, I didn't use any adhesive as I stay away from adhesive and other sprays - smoothing the piece regularly saves accidents on the back, and the pins are no problem for me. This project was a bridge project from the last larger item to the next larger item. My brain has a dedicated area for thinking about and planning my next larger quilt - Asian (Oriental) fabrics and a different assembly than I have ever done. I may as well say Japanese fabrics because I love the fabrics either from Japan or with Japanese inspired designs. That's all I want to buy any more. But I do have a buildup of scraps and remnants of other modes of design to use up on these projects.
That method does sound nice and easy. Love the Hello Kitty decals and you didn't overdo it.
Thanks Glorm! :)
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