Sewing and learning fabric arts at my own pace...puttering in the sewing room...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Grocery Totes...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My Sewing Space...

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Lutterloh and Burda...

Monday, November 17, 2008
Shoes...aren't they about apparel?

Friday, November 14, 2008
A bit of a quiet time...

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lutterloh Vest and Pants...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Viking Sew On Foot Fun...

In other developments, I have finished the Lutterloh vest. It needs a good pressing, and tonight I'll do that. It will just be a cute little accessory over beige, cream and white, or a very mellow pink turtleneck. I think might also add three buttons and of course buttonholes. The vest won't add much warmth. I am going to make another one in a more Vermonty warmth since winter is coming on sooner than I want to think about.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lutterloh Shirt complete...
Here's the shirt, reviewed over on PR, and I like it! Here is a bit of the collar, showing the stand/collar as one piece rather than the two pieces of pattern and fabric the pattern indicated. That's one piece too much for me to bother with.
The pieces of this pattern fit together so well. The collar was a perfect fit, and the rest of the garment went together well. The sleeves are a bit puffy for me, but I like the shirt. I did five buttonholes and five plain white buttons. My Viking sensor buttonhole foot decided to go off on its own and just do whatever length it wanted half way through a couple of buttonholes, so I switched to the regular foot, and used the memory feature for the last two. If I cannot count on that glitzy sensor foot, I won't use it at all any more, as the regular foot is actually easier.
The shirt is a little large in the shoulders, but the next time I make a Lutterloh I will make my usual shoulder adjustment, using the shoulder template from Shannon Gifford's class on bodice muslin making. That template is extremely handy! Now I am working on getting the vest binding on, and that's going nicely. The pants just need hemming, and then they will be done as well. So - two more Lutterloh reviews this week I hope. :) Juliette on PR reviewed the Lutterloh pajamas she made a few weeks ago, and they look warm and fuzzy. Maybe I will make some winter warm nightwear. Those of us interested in Lutterloh are hoping that some other people will review a few more patterns each month, thus raising awareness and interest in the system. With computerized pattern software as popular as it is becoming, many people probably would rather buy one of those systems. They are, in my opinion, both too time consuming and too expensive to think about. I wouldn't want to bother with printing and having to assemble all those pieces of regular printer paper. Think of the bills for paper and ink! Lutterloh just needs paper, markers and your little patterns. Of course, I will make copies of the ones I use because I don't want to put little pin holes in my actual patterns!

Monday, September 22, 2008
Yes, I am still sewing...
Lutterloh is this month's theme. I have been working on my Lutterloh online class. Three garments are not finished, but pretty far along. The fitting issue is that the pants should have been a bit larger.
This was caused not by Lutterloh, but by my use of the wrong numbers when drafting the pants. I am going to draft another pattern soon and give it another shot with a better measure. You have to be careful and measure really carefully with the patterns. Honestly might be another way to put it. ;) However, the pants fit, and I am very happy with the fit as well. They are cut rather like Burda pants are, which is a great Euro-fit in the most important places. The vest is a bit snug as well. I am going to try a full figured pattern, but I think this vest will be cute over a nice knit top, and I am going to make another Ottobre top out of some ecru fabric I bought from Gorgeous Things. The shirt is on the way to finality, but has a collar and facing to finish and the hems. Progress report to be continued.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Quilt 15 years old and the top is finished...
My Flying Geese Quilt is becoming a reality. it is an old fashioned use up those remnants quilt, and I can see some garment bits in there. I love that. Although the quilt
is now 15 years since inception and the first square, the top is finally finished with the piecing and the sashing on the edges. It is a very odd shape. Extremely long and not that wide! It turns out to be 67" wide and 115" long! Backing and batting and tying come next. I hope to make this this winter's project. HHmmm...did I forget to mention the binding? I think I did. I have cotton from my mother's stash (that I inherited) which is the fabric I will use for bias binding. It is the dark version of the sashing fabric. So the sashing and the binding are a reverse effect. The tying and the binding are a long hand done project. I have bound one quilt in the past and found it wasn't so difficult, merely time consuming. And a good excuse to sit and watch the telly on those colder winter nights.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Ottobre tee time again!
Thinking about using up the left over fabric from my last tee, and remembering that I had bought a remnant of the same stuff on a recent visit to the fabric store, I thought about making the little guys jammies. but looking at the yardage I found there wasn't nearly enough. But, there was enough to make another tee!
This time around with Ottobre Woman 2-2007 pattern 2 I raised the neckline over an inch and a half. I really like a higher neckline than I had been making. I cut the fabric yesterday and began to sew right away. Finished the complete garment today, hem, sleeve hems, and neckline. I used self-bias binding, and that really made a nice neckline. I have used this pattern so much. Ottobre does clothing for real people. Each issue has at least several things I could conceive of making. I haven't made anything but the tee so far though.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Burda dress is finished...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Pfaff 1199 comes home...
Many years ago at the same time I got my Pfaff 1222E, my mother-in-law got her Pfaff 1199. We inherited it a few years ago, but the search for a foot pedal took a long long time. Finally we got that, and then there was the hospitalization for a complete checkup and a new gear or two. Finally she is home again and sewing smoothly and beautifully.
There isn't a lot of information on this model on the web yet, and the manual isn't readily available. We have the manual for the 1222E and the same threading and bobbin arrangement are common in this era of Pfaffs so that's no problem. She joins our little family of sewing machines, and has a cosy nest in her fantastically 1970s ORANGE retro case under my sewing table. You can see the fabulous case. YES, though made of metal, she is a COMPACT machine. Weighs a good bit more than my heavier Viking platinum, but way less than my 1222E. :) For her day she was a lean mean sewing machine! And spectacularly groovy in her case!

Monday, August 4, 2008
Just a Catchup...

Monday, July 7, 2008
Burda dress...and Lutterloh
First I read the boards on PR, and there was mention of the Lutterloh System. I had seen this some years ago, but didn't even want to concentrate on how it might work, it looked far to complex. Now, from a different perspective, I see that I would love to try it.

Monday, June 30, 2008
Summer dress project...

Friday, June 27, 2008
Vermont Quilt Festival 2008 visited...
With a couple of intrepid friends, I took on the Vermont Quilt Festival. You do have to be intrepid because after you schlep around the two large buildings of the Champlain Valley Exhibition, visit vendors, enjoy a bit of quilt admiring, and look at all the sewing machines, you suddenly realize you need to sit down. By that
time everyone else has had the same realization, and all the seats are taken. So, you keep going. I picked up a bargain on last year's Quilt Festival tote (I was there last year!), and on a beginner sewing book aimed at the kids, but FUN! After seeing the demo for the Miracle Ironing Board Cover, (actually, we saw it at least twice), all three of us bought a cover. There was a press of determined quilting ladies slowly constricting the area of the demo, and the phrase wait your turn was apparently an unknown concept to several women. After waiting patiently like the good Vermonter she is, one of my friends finally got her cover, and we escaped the mob, dragged our aching feet out of the show and headed out to lunch. Any more than half a day and I would need a week to recuperate! As it is, my feet are nothing but foci of pain!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Quilt in its fifteenth year...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Notes on added links and my pictures...

As to the pictures you see on this blog, they may or may not be directly related to the content. If I am talking about a project, they will definitely be related, otherwise I tend to eclecticism myself (the model today is wearing his GramJammies!).
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Some nifty patterns

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Projects accomplished and Deco Fun...

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Vermont Quilt Festival...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Delicate alteration...
I have to tell you I was nervous about this. There was no room for error on my part. I planned ahead: I used the straight stitch foot for the gathering and seaming, I used a #10 sharp needle, I used the regular zig-zag foot for the edging so I could see what I was doing, and I used regular tissue paper as a stabilizer on the gathering stitches and the seam itself.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Bobbins...storing bobbins...

I even looked for them on a recent trip to Seattle! After I came home with none from there, I tried my local Viking shop again and there they were! They are just a pretty as I thought they'd be. it's not like I needed more bobbins, and to tell you the truth my favorite Viking bobbin color is still the green, but now I have plenty of bobbins and some color on the subject!

Monday, May 26, 2008
Wardrobe progress...

Friday, May 2, 2008
Pointy Kitty has a nice day...

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